BODU Govi dual citizens parents living in Melbourne seeking a professionally qualified pretty daughter for their son born in 5-94, 6 feet tall, Civil Engineer, NS/TT...

Ref No : 465877562

T Number : T315218-3

PROFESSIONALLY qualified son is sought by GB parents for their pretty daughter residing in USA with dual citizenship 1989 5’ 3” works as Senior Accountant in reput...

Ref No : 77822365

T Number : T17578-1

00 Proposed Son, 39, 5’ 9”, Accountant in Leading Company, educated in Leading School in Colombo, ICMA member, LLB London Graduate, Only Son, fair and ...

Ref No : 1993166371

T Number : T13599-1

PARENTS seek graduate employed Buddhist son devoid from vices for 1993 Bodu Govi for graduate employed daughter. 0112243121

Ref No : 3188474534

T Number : T12659-1

1993/05, 5’ 4”, MBBS Doctor having Properties, serving in Colombo, Good Character Daughter from Bodu/ Govi respectable family, Horoscope matches with Rahu 07...

Ref No : 3608726281

T Number : T12417-1

UK, Resident, Divorced Businessman Son, 54. Pretty Daughter 45 – 49 sought by Parents. Dowry not necessary. Write with family details, copy of horoscope and T...

Ref No : 60566810

T Number : T14242-1

SINHALA, Buddhist, Sri Lanka and America Dual Citizen, 57 Year owning large wealth, worked as Professional Commercial Pilot, Legally Divorced 15 years ago, Virtuous, Goo...

Ref No : 2798349905

T Number : T12349-1

RETIRED parents seek educated virtuous daughter for only virtuous educated son Western Province Bodu Govi 1989-1 5’/ 6” in height, Jayewardenepura degree, p...

Ref No : 60999331

T Number : T14881-1

GOVI Bodu wealthy parents seek for a beautiful thin kind and loving wife below 24 years for their only son degree holder 5’ 11” & fair. 2686534

Ref No : 3580683939

T Number : T4952-2

GAMPAHA Bodu Govi government executive retired parents seek suitable partner for younger son working in a Private Organization Civil Engineer (Peradeniya Hons Degree) 1...

Ref No : 1764277727

T Number : T1025557166-1

FOR son Western Province Bodu Karawa, 1988 height 5’ 5” Permanent Lecturer of Government University, PhD also completed, parents seek qualified daughter...

Ref No : 1754349924

T Number : T12814-1

Born In 1995/6 Horana B/G of a respectable family, height 5’ 4” son owning a new house and having a Pharmaceutical business, parents seek a pharmacist as...

Ref No : 3307717240

T Number : T15694-1

Near Colombo B/G 5’ 10” having high educational and professional qualifications, 48 year old, employed in a high position abroad in possession of large a...

Ref No : 3568306371

T Number : T13406-1

CANADA, PR working in leading Govt. Institution, IT Engineer Pretty Virtuous Daughter. 1989/3, Bodu/ Govi, BEng/ MIT, 5’ 3”. Partner sought. America, Canada...

Ref No : 1760778546

T Number : T17318-1

COLOMBO, Bodu/ Govi, 1990, 5’ 2”, Full time employed, Postgraduate qualified, Pretty Daughter resident in Australia, legally separated from unsuitable marria...

Ref No : 4182620840

T Number : T14079-1

Rajagiriya 1994/02 respectable family background a family of two children, of Up-country descent B/G 5’ 6” of average built younger daughter a MBBS Doctor, par...

Ref No : 642398063

T Number : T12355-1

ROMAN Catholic Sinhala Govi respectable business parents from Wattala, seek a professionally qualified son for their caring pretty daughter, youngest child in the fam...

Ref No : 3370890294

T Number : T17482-1

Near Colombo born in 1992/06 B/G height 5’ 8” studied at a leading Girl’s school in Colombo, drawing a high salary owning properties graduate softw...

Ref No : 2850503712

T Number : T16803-1

1994, November, Educated at Leading Girls School in Galle and International School, Postgraduate completed Daughter, 5’ 2”, Fair, Pleasant, Bodu/ Karawa, ...

Ref No : 262023173

T Number : T11846-1

0 1995 Manager, 1993 Accountant, 1998 Software Engineer. Male partners sought for all three of them. 0113423322,

Ref No : 172805193

T Number : T17325-1

SEEK suitable partners for 71, 76, 82, 87, 92, 98, 2000, 2005 born educated sons, daughters in Sri Lanka. 0112414409, 0572230160


Ref No : 2160474666

T Number : T13676-1

WESTERN Province age 45 pleasant looking gentleman, divorced, no kids. Seeks a bride.


Ref No : 1492791497

T Number : T12781-1

SEEK suitable partners for 71, 76, 82, 87, 92, 98, 2000, 2005 born educated sons, daughters in Sri Lanka. 0112414409, 0572230160


Ref No : 2602284832

T Number : T13676-1

Born in 1991 in Kegalle Sinhala Buddhist height 5’ 6” Graduate Psychology consultant daughter, retired father seeks a suitable partner. Foreign residents...

Ref No : 3923022149

T Number : T12400-1


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