Born in 1997 MSC (Facil- Aesthetic) B eng Hon (Biomedical Engineering) MBA) (hospital Management) graduate maintaining own Aestheti Hospital, owning house and proper...

Ref No : 2982113444

T Number : T7144-1

1992 close to Wennappuwa Bodu Govi employed in Private Company handsome son free from vice, owns valuable land suitable for business. Retired Bank Manager father see...

Ref No : 1351278276

T Number : T11363-1

BUSINESSMEN parents seek graduate pretty daughter willing to migrate for son Horana 1999-3, 5’ 7” Bodu Govi followed Business Management Degree in NSBM, present...

Ref No : 3275179059

T Number : T10129-1

1985/10 Maharagama B/G 5’ 6” employed at an International School BSc, MBA, son, parents seek a graduate daughter as partner. Nursing/ Teacher/ others 011251...

Ref No : 3170774424

T Number : T6820-1

1992 December 5 feet 11” fair well built. Son, Engineer, educated at Lyceum International School, Nugegoda. Went to Australia for further studies and obtain a ...

Ref No : 84045576

T Number : T11318-1

SBG parents from Kandy, Sri Lanka and Australia dual citizens, living in Melbourne, Australia seeking a professionally qualified son with good qualities, for their ...

Ref No : 2271149636

T Number : T10629-1

Studying in America for PHD IT born in 1992 B/G daughter, retired parents seek an educated, kind hearted son as partner. No Kuja Malefics.


Ref No : 268667991

T Number : T1025556463-1

BODU Govi professional parents from Nugegoda seek an English speaking university educated and well mannered daughter for their son (5’ 11”), a BSc gradua...

Ref No : 911749507

T Number : T10052-1

PARENTS (Doctors) seek educated virtuous graduation son for daughter 2002 height 5’ 6’’ Bodu Govi mixed veterinary surgeon 2nd year doctor dental surg...

Ref No : 1912015878

T Number : T9984-1

1983, High Post in Govt. Unmarried Spinster. Educated Employed Partner sought. Legally separated on reasonable grounds and living abroad also considered. propranji83@...

Ref No : 3014411604

T Number : T9111-1

SOUTHERN, Bodu/ Govi, 1996 February, 5’ 7”, Pretty Daughter, Higher Diploma holder in Computer Software . Parents expect suitable, genuine, virtuous, educated...

Ref No : 1789703613

T Number : T9679-1

KURUNEGALA Bodu Govi 1995 March, Government English Teacher daughter fair in complexion. Mother (Retired Teacher) seeks an educated, religious minded, kindhearted son. Onl...

Ref No : 3569288309

T Number : T6264-1

SOUTH, b/g, parents, respectable officers ingovt, firms, reside in kiribathgoda, look for a well mannered, below 32y, suitable partner for their beautiful, 25y virtuou...

Ref No : 2690470800

T Number : T6344-1

BODU Govi near Kadawatha in Gampaha district 1997-6 beautiful and well mannered graduate daughter educated and residing in Canada working in a bank. Mother seeks a s...

Ref No : 3644321853

T Number : T11455-1

1993 December born daughter educated at a reputed Buddhist school in Colombo BSc, MBA employed in an IT Based Company with high salary. B/G parents seek groom 31-34 ...

Ref No : 3943714944

T Number : T6333-1

1990-5 Colombo B/G (no difference) 5’ 1” daughter BSc (SL) PhD (NZ) educated Lecturer at Government University. Retired parents look for a professional emp...

Ref No : 3571321194

T Number : T5295-1

1990, Near Negambo, Bodu/Govi, 5’ 2”, employed in State Bank, Pretty Daughter, Kuja 08. Retired Bank Manager Father seeks educated, executive grade employ...

Ref No : 1761401376

T Number : T11375-1

MATARA b/g 39y son returned from abroad, he owns modern vehicles, lands/ houses, property, parents look for a suitable partner daughter,can migrate to Canada


Ref No : 1711495952

T Number : T8149-1

Born in 97/3 B/G 6’ 2” assistant manager of a five star hotel, son parents seek an employed daughter as partner 0112778261


Ref No : 602122613

T Number : T7025-1

CANADA, reading for Masters b/g 1988, 5’ 8” handsome son retired parents search for an intelligent, beautiful daughter, prominence for overseas residents, t...

Ref No : 2901631497

T Number : T8394-1

GALLE b/g 1994-12, 5’ 8” businessman son, parents search for an educated, beautiful daughter, shanimangala, rahu 7, kethu 1 tel; 091-2223863


Ref No : 346067411

T Number : T8233-1

BODU Govi parents from Nugegoda seek well mannered and professionally qualified daughter from a respectable family for their elder son born 1992 May, 6’ 1&rdqu...

Ref No : 1101110480

T Number : T10043-1

BODU Govi dual citizens parents living in Melbourne seeking a professionally qualified pretty daughter for their son born in 5-94, 6 feet tall, Civil Engineer, NS/TT...

Ref No : 3438373614

T Number : T315218-2

1991 (August) 5’ 7” fair slim pretty educated at a leading college in Colombo, BSc Management Degree First Class (Gold Medalist), CIMA, CIM, MBA. Migrate...

Ref No : 2292231133

T Number : T7826-1


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